Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Taking action: Making climate justice and climate action a reality

Posted Thu 12 Jan 2017 - 06:50 | 4,714 views
In the final column on gender, ICTs and climate change, Sonia Randhawa explores what are the possible actions that individuals can take -- in the face of impending climate change and the devastating and inequitable effect it has on people. At an individual level, we can reduce our carbon footprint. We also need to get involved in the climate movement. The climate emergency is with us now, and we…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Finding solutions: Using ICTs to face the climate emergency

Posted Thu 22 Dec 2016 - 05:40 | 4,928 views
In her fourth column, Sonia Randhawa looks at whether ICTs can play a role in finding solutions to climate change. However while ICTs seem like an ideal technology for building networks and connections between people, it remains out of reach for most people, especially women who are often at the forefront of struggles in relation to climate change. Community radio is far more accessible for…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Joining the dots: ICT sweatshops facing the heat

Posted Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 07:14 | 75,048 views
This month's column by Sonia Randhawa looks at intersections between ICTs, gender and climate change through the lens of the women working in the software, rather than the hardware side of things. While many of the big companies in North America have taken steps to ensure that the energy for data processing comes from renewable sources, the question remains what is the environmental impact and…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Joining the dots: Labour, sustainability, resilience in gender and climate change

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2016 - 12:34 | 24,375 views
What is the connection between labour unions, women workers and climate change? This monthly column on connecting the dots between climate change and gender, explores the exploitative conditions that are still prevalent in the electronics industry. While workers in Pearl River delta in China may no longer face sweatshop conditions, the production has shifted to other poorer parts and most often…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Joining the dots: Gender, ICTs and climate change

Posted Mon 19 Sep 2016 - 06:22 | 6,468 views
We are facing a climate emergency. In this column series, GenderIT is joining millions of other groups and individuals in building hope in the face of this fear. First we examine why climate change and the contributions of the ICT industry to climate change have a gender dimension, and why gender and ICT policy needs to build in climate awareness. In other words, just like gender, climate change…