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From fear to courage: Talking about technology, violence and justice in Mexico

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2015 - 18:00 | 11,053 views
An interview by Florencia Goldsman with research report author Gabriela Polanco and APC’s project coordinator in Mexico Erika Smith explores many of the nuances that emerged from the research. From assessing to what extent technology is an enabler of violence to musing on the various meanings of ‘justice’ for survivors, this conversation takes us behind the scenes of the Mexican edition of the…


Gender violence on the internet: The Philippine experience

Posted Mon 15 Jun 2015 - 07:03 | 15,669 views
The Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) prepared this country report as part of the broader study conducted by the Association for Progressive Communications on "End violence: Women’s rights and safety online," which involve seven different countries. It looks into the existing legal remedies and corporate policies in the Philippines as they relate to technology-related violence against women…

Philippines: Exploring technology-related violence against women and children

Posted Mon 8 Jun 2015 - 07:47 | 13,271 views
We’re back! – with the second in a series of seven mini-editions highlighting APC’s project “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online”. Each edition focuses on one country where we carried out the research, and this time round, we’ll look at the Philippines. Bringing together articles, key findings and an interview with the research team, this edition looks at cases ranging from celebrity…

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Of celebrity sex tapes and child porn: talking about technology-related violence in the Philippines

Posted Mon 8 Jun 2015 - 06:48 | 14,417 views
The Philippines was one of seven countries covered by APC’s research project “End violence: Women's rights and safety online”. The research in the Philippines was done in association with the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA). Here, Syar S. Alia speaks to FMA’s programme coordinator for gender and ICT, Lisa S. Garcia, to take a closer look at the research findings.

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Emma Watson, trolls and a feminist internet

Posted Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 14:41 | 27,108 views
Within days of her highly visible and publicised speech, Emma Watson became the subject and target of violence. The threat and reality of using women’s sexualised bodies as weapons to humiliate, shut them up or blackmail them into submission is an increasingly prevalent expression of violence against women online. Jac sm Kee, APC´s Women´s Rights Programme manager shares her insight on the…


APC Statement to the CSW 57th Session: Violence against women and information and communications technology

Posted Mon 4 Mar 2013 - 07:16 | 24,244 views
Violence against women (VAW) that is mediated by technology is increasingly becoming part of women's experience of violence and their online interactions. In the same way we face risks offline, in the streets and in our homes, women and girls can face specific dangers and risks on the internet such as online harassment, cyberstalking, privacy invasions with the threat of blackmail, viral 'rape…

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Tell me what social network you use and I'll tell you what your struggle is

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 13:20 | 22,631 views
This article, written by Florencia Flores Iborra for, analyses some current cultural practices on some of the more popular online social networks, and the ways in which the publication policies of these platforms support or restrict the proliferation of certain behaviors relating to respect for the rights of women on the internet.

Power of stories to reclaim women's rights

Posted Fri 14 Dec 2012 - 07:11 | 13,352 views
The 2012 "Take Back the Tech! campaign":, a collaborative campaign that takes place annually during the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence":, featured 16 stories for 16 days. Each of these stories presented a different way how…


Security online, security offline

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 06:18 | 16,081 views
As I write, our online campaign: "respect online, respect offline" which, for 16 days, highlighted violence against women and girls in line with the campaign Take Back the Tech! inviting women and girls to use ICT to denounce violence, has just come to an end. But I realize that our campaign has been disrupted by the violence in my country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, even though it has not…

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The online world might be scary, but it can be a place where we empower one another

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 06:08 | 17,603 views
Online harassment has become incredibly common for women around the world. Perpetrators of this violence act without fear of recourse, as anonymity protects them, and law does not limit their hate speech. Many women leave the online world out of fear that this violence will affect them in the offline world. But there are strategies that exist for women online activists to use to protect…