woman opening her mouse to take a pill

Feminist talk

South Korea: Censorship of telemedical services as a form of denying abortion access

Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 - 15:04 | 4,103 views

When countries invoke peripheral laws such as pharmaceutical violations or conscientious objection clauses as justification for blocking, restricting, or limiting abortion access, they are invariably creating additional barriers, not upholding legal integrity.

Stella Nyanzi rising her hand, with roses at her back.

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Review: No Roses From My Mouth

Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 12:15 | 5,402 views

No Roses From My Mouth is a collection of poems written in jail by feminist poet and academic Dr. Stella Nyanzi. Wairimũ Mũrĩithi looks at the feminist solidarity movement that is organising offline and online actions for Nyanzi's release, and reflects on the interconnected struggles that Nyanzi represents.

Feminist talk

Online GBV in Palestine means losing out on women's participation

Posted Mon 11 Jun 2018 - 07:37 | 11,573 views
In recent times there has been a dramatic increase in the use of internet and social media by Palestinians. In this context there is also a rising wave of online gender-based violence that leads to intimidation of women and self-censorship, which means that often women are withdrawing from social media platforms that are an arena of political and social confrontation against the Israeli…

Feminist talk

Its 2016 and Facebook is still terrified of women's nipples

Posted Thu 10 Nov 2016 - 01:11 | 7,495 views
Facebook's arbitrary policy on women's nipples has angered many, who find their content removed or accounts suspended or banned. Japleen Pasricha writes about being repeatedly 'punished' by Facebook for posting content on the social media platform that is feminist and bold, about young women growing up and even images of protest by women in Manipur against the oppression of the Indian army and…

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Curfew on Solidarities: Interviews with Kashmiri activists on censorship and lockdown

Posted Fri 2 Sep 2016 - 09:55 | 10,097 views

Social media is both the space for building a new language to speak about Kashmir in terms of occupation, resistance, settler colonialism or separatist movements, and it also is a technology of control for the Indian government. Banning certain websites and people and blocking the internet for periods extending to weeks is seen as completely acceptable ways of dealing with the "Kashmir crisis…


Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Posted Mon 5 Oct 2015 - 14:17 | 4,720 views
In the present report the Special Rapporteur addresses the use of encryption and anonymity in digital communications. Drawing from research on international and national norms and jurisprudence, and the input of states and civil society, the report concludes that encryption and anonymity enable individuals to exercise their rights to freedom of opinion and expression in the digital age and, as…

Feminist talk

Imagine a Feminist Internet: Reflections on freedom of expression and mysoginistic online content

Posted Sun 20 Sep 2015 - 06:44 | 6,118 views
This video by Dhyta Caturani from Engage Media features Sheena Magenya and Naomi Fontanos speaking about online mysoginistic content and its relation to freedom of expression, while attending the second Imagine a Feminist Internet in Malaysia, July 2015.

Feminist talk

Access to LGBTI related websites was blocked one by one?

Posted Thu 4 Jun 2015 - 14:00 | 5,497 views
The Turkish Telecommunications Directorate (TIB) blocked access to 5 LGBTI websites. While Işık Mater from Alternative Informatics Association (Alternatif Bilişim Derneği) defined LGBTI related websites block as the censorship, according to Kaos GL Association’s Lawyer Hayriye Kara it meant the violation of constitutional rights.

Feminist talk

Porn. Panic. Ban.

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:55 | 12,586 views
In India, both the legislature and the judiciary are considering bans on the consumption of online porn; one petition argues that porn increases violence against women without offering any evidence to that effect, another focuses on the “moral depravity and corruption” caused by porn. Do we seriously imagine that violence against women in India will go down by banning online porn? Talk about…

Feminist talk

Difficulties in documenting: Why it can be hard for women to speak out

Posted Sun 30 Nov 2014 - 11:33 | 5,649 views
I've been trying to interview women and girls for the documentation action that Take Back the Tech! announced. I've found it's more difficult than I anticipated, so I wanted to explore the reasons why because I think they are directly related to the theme of freedom of expression.