Feminist talk

Threats on her phone and footsteps behind her back

Posted Wed 25 Nov 2015 - 18:05 | 5,602 views
Nina finished her work day at the high-fashion clothing store in the biggest shopping mall in Sarajevo. She sighed, remembering everything she had to go through to get out of that violent and abusive relationship that she endured for three years. One thousand and ninety-five days until she found the strength and support to end it. But that was just one step in the continuum of violence that would…

In depth

From fake accounts to harassing phone calls: talking about technology-related violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posted Fri 4 Sep 2015 - 08:34 | 10,760 views
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of seven countries covered by APC's research project “End Violence: Women's rights and safety online”. The research in BIH was done in association with One World Platform for Southeast Europe (OWPSEE). The report uses three in-depth case studies to assess legal instruments, corporate policies, and women’s access to justice. Here, writer Lamia Kosovic speaks to two…


Bosnia and Herzegovina: Exploring technology-related violence against women

Posted Sun 30 Aug 2015 - 09:00 | 12,508 views
This report emerges from research carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina between July 2013 and April 2014 by One World Platform for South East Europe (OWPSEE) and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) as part of a seven-country project entitled “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online”.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Exploring technology-related violence against women

Posted Tue 21 Jul 2015 - 09:04 | 13,520 views
We’re back (after a little break) with the third in a series of seven mini-editions highlighting the project “End violence: Women’s rights and safety online”. Each edition focuses on one country in which the research was conducted, and this time we’re focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Research here finds that the police are dismissive of violence against women (VAW), legal provisions for…

Feminist talk

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Women are vulnerable online, but also speaking up on the internet

Posted Tue 10 Dec 2013 - 08:44 | 8,809 views
During the last Internet Governance Forum, which took place in October in Bali, Indonesia, Analía Lavin from APCNews talked to Aida Mahmutović, from APC member Owpsee in Bosnia and Herzegovina. OWPSEE is one of the national partners of APC’s project “End violence: women’s rights and safety online”.

Feminist talk

Gender-based violence is hate speech, hate speech is not free speech

Posted Fri 9 Aug 2013 - 14:00 | 10,068 views
From the EuroDIG 2013 (European Dialogue on Internet Governance) at the Council of Europe in Sarajevo on 21 June 2013, a platform for remote participation from Lisbon was organised by Foundation OneWorldSEE (owpsee) in cooperation with the Office of the Council of Europe. In attendance were stakeholders involved in the issue of female and male participants in internet governance (IG) in Bosnia…


Baseline study: Technology related violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posted Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 11:24 | 6,088 views
This initiative aims to identify and map the existing situation on the ground, in terms of challenges that impede the understanding of violence against women and girls in digital spaces, and violence committed through use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A poll and an interview were intended for and conducted in organizations/institutions that work…