Image description: Panel showing differnet aspects of HIV/AIDS

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Citizen data and freedom: the fears of people living with HIV in India

Posted Mon 2 Nov 2020 - 05:16 | 6,042 views

People living with HIV and AIDs in India face greater risk of exposure in relation to their private health information and data, especially as the government, hospitals, insurance companies etc. collect data. COVID-19 crisis also raises concerns whether big data is a tool of prevention and health care or at the service of government repression.

Image description: Woman on phone being watched by feminine humanoid cameras

Feminist talk

Privacy in the time of a pandemic: how is your data doing?

Posted Tue 20 Oct 2020 - 04:30 | 6,030 views

A three part series that dives into the concerns around privacy and data in Africa in the context of artificial intelligence and also covid-19 from a feminist data justice perspective.

Image description: Different people walking, cycling.

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Visibility and secrecy: Data protection, privacy and gender in Pakistan

Posted Thu 11 Jul 2019 - 06:47 | 6,073 views

Privacy rights are becoming increasingly important and especially in the context of increasing datafication. Shmyla Khan of Digital Rights Foundation in Pakistan talks about the ways in which privacy rights are relevant, used and abused in the lives of women and gender diverse people.

Feminist talk

What lies behind the fears of digital identity? The experience of the Huduma number in Kenya

Posted Thu 30 May 2019 - 06:03 | 9,028 views

The rollout of the Huduma namba is taking place over Kenya. This article traces the experience of one young woman Nyangi as she tries to get a card, and more broadly the problems and hurdles posed by the system of digital identity.

Image description: The curious face of a robot looking back

Feminist talk

Artificial intelligence for mental health

Posted Thu 2 May 2019 - 08:11 | 23,927 views

This article explores mental health facilities in Kenya and if artificial intelligence can provide solutions for the dire need for infrastructure. Even if the use of artificial intelligence poses a solution to this, there are risks for data and privacy, algorithmic bias and large scale misdiagnosis. AI can only work when alongside human and humane treatment.

Image description: woman walking by, covering her face with Chinese magazine

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Interview with Eva Blum-Dumontet, Privacy International

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 - 05:47 | 6,266 views

Privacy allows women and members of marginalised communities to create safe spaces of expression and makes available tools that challenge norms that restrict equality, access and control. Bianca Baldo interviews Eva Blum-Dumontet, one of the authors of the recent report from Privacy International on gender and privacy.

Woman holding phone. Banner reads - Hey, is your friend being attacked online?

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More than words. Investigating online discourse as a space of Gender-Based Violence

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 - 02:47 | 6,561 views

Here are insights into research on online gender-based violence against women and other minorities - especially around sexual objectification, delegitimisation of public personas, non-conformity to gender stereotypes and idealised notions of womanhood. Elena Pavan shares also about doing research using data scraped from online public discourses and the key questions going forward.

Is the man who is tall happy?: An animated conversation with Noam Chomsky

Feminist talk

Keywords of the internet: The fraying edges of algorithmic production

Posted Tue 9 Oct 2018 - 06:06 | 4,456 views

In this column series we unpack keywords relevant to the internet and the digital age. Here we look at algorithms, their origin in the work of Ada Lovelace. At how they are a sequence of steps, how they enfold consequences. And lastly we ask - can we talk about feminist algorithms?

Photo by Matan Segev from Pexels

Feminist talk

Gendered Reality Traps: How "Objective" Machine Learning Contributes to Intersectional Exploitation

Posted Tue 2 Oct 2018 - 12:20 | 5,847 views

Is technology neutral or is coding political? In this article Smarika Kumar explores how algorithms work in the real world, and how they are a reflection of existing biases and forms of exclusion and discrimination in society.

Image description: Woman touching screen

Feminist talk

How feminist research shapes AI, privacy, and data protection discourse

Posted Fri 11 Dec 2020 - 04:46 | 4,580 views

In this second post in a series on artificial intelligence, research in the African context, Chenai shares why she believes that a feminist approach to research around AI is the only way.