Feminist talk
A cat among pigeons: Gender, culture and internet governance at AFRISIG 2018
All feminists have had to ask themselves in several gatherings and meetings - when can I raise the gender question? Sheena Magenya here reflects on her experiences at AFRISIG 2018, and goes deep into the question of how do we navigate, understand and eventually change such spaces.
Feminist talk
Internet governance: Who sets the rules?
When it comes to decision making, policies and advocacy, in most cases women are usually left behind especially in relation to ICTs. I must say that I am pleased with the representation of women at the African Internet Governance Forum and before I continue I must commend the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) for making this…
Feminist talk
Multi-stakeholderism is about losing: Reflections on working through the AfriSIG practicum
‘Multi-stakeholderism is about losing.’ I first heard this statement on the first day of the African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) in Dr David Souter’s lecture and overview of the Internet governance ecosystem and its key players
Feminist talk
The experience of complexities and dynamics in public policy making
It is on again! The third African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG) kicked off on Tuesday September 2015 in Addis Abba. The 2015 #AfriSIG is a diverse and dynamic group of people with different gender identities, expertise and age. Being at the AfriSIG is a whole new experience to me and has made me realise how little I know about the internet and internet governance in particular despite…
Feminist talk
Reflections on gender and internet governance in Africa
Before I attended the Gender and Internet Governance eXchange (gigX) I did not think there was anything I could say related to gender activism. The last four days have reaffirmed the saying shared on the first day “if you are not at the table you will be on the menu”.
Feminist talk
‘Governing’ my internet
I never thought the internet to be knotty. That all I needed was my device of choice, an internet service provider and voila! Get my connection, click, click, click, open up a page, browse through it, close tab, open another, like an update, favorite a tweet, laugh at some memes and move on to the next tab.
Nothing is ever that easy.
Nothing is ever that easy.