
eInclusion revisited: The Local Dimension of the Information Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 3,972 views
The report, conducted by the European Commission, analysis differences in "e-inclusion" among Europeans by education, income, age and gender.


Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction in the Knowledge Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 4,838 views
The emphasis on ICT as a tool of economic and social empowerment for underprivileged women raises new research questions that are relevant both for advocacy and project work by NGOs as well as for policy intervention by national and international bodies. The paper assesses women’s access to and use of ICTs for social empowerment and poverty reduction.


Poverty Reduction, Gender Equality and the Knowledge Society: Digital Exclusion or Digital Opportunities

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 4,326 views
The paper is based on the premise that any strategies to increase the participation of women in the information economy will increase national IT capacity, reduce poverty, and help to raise the national standard of living. It summarises international discourse on the connections between gender equality and poverty reduction, and defines the context of the knowledge society, including the digital…


Women, Media And Democratic Society: In Pursuit Of Rights And Freedoms

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 4,314 views
The paper explores issues such as media employment and decision-making, media content and portrayal, and the impact of new ICTs in the field of media and gender, and relates these to policy implementation, reform and advocacy.


Roundtable and Recommendations on Women in Media

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 3,347 views
The presentations dealt with women's employment in the media, the images of women portrayed by the media, policy issues to be addressed by decision-makers, and women as media decision-makers.


Gender Mainstreaming Framework for UNDP Albania

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 4,002 views
Gender Mainstreaming Framework should help to promote gender equity into all aspects by increasing economic, social and political empowerment of women.


Crisis and Need: Information and Communication Technology in Development Initiatives Runs through a Paradox

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 2,910 views
The paper calls for a shift in national and global policies in order to respond to the growing digital divide within countries and among developed and developing countries.


Gender ICT: Issues, Implications & Opportunities (Summary of Online Discussions)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 3,445 views
The document presents a summary of the discussions. Specific themes include access to ICTs and their use; Information, technology and women empowerment; and Women's campaigns, networks, resources and repositories on ICT.


Who pays for the Information Society: Challenges and Issues on financing the Information Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 2,911 views
The book is an in-depth look at the issues surrounding financial mechanisms to achieve universal access. While the book does not focus on gender, specifically, it contributes to the knowledge base necessary for effective advocacy in ICT policy processes.


Action Items for Gender Equality in the Information Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 4,346 views
The document outlines concrete recommendations for actions in a myriad of areas to address problems of gender equity in ICTs, ranging from basic access issues to decision making power and presence.