This is the first section in a 3-part series of prototype radio programs about UNSCR 1325. It contains four radio productions on women, peace and security issues in the Philippines which also draw parallels to the impact of violent conflict in other parts of     Asia-Pacific.
The paper explores to what extent the women in the Indian State of Chhattisgarh have been able to access and to use e-governance initiatives, as compared their male counterparts, and how far these e-governance initiatives been able to address and include the needs of women.
The report is based on field visits, interviews with local and central government and non-government organizations and desk reviews carried out between December 2004-April 2005. It aims to identify policies, technologies, institutions and investments needed to improve access to information and communication technologies (ICT) in rural areas in Indonesia. A critical part of this study is a gender…
The aim of the Report is to assess and present the current electronic readiness of BiH society. This has been done by analyzing the capacities of government organizations, educational institutions and businesses, alongside engaging with ordinary citizens as the ultimate beneficiaries of development in this field. The report has been prepared by UNDP BH, with financing and support from government…
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Gender Action Plan was conceptualised with the aim of implementing as effectively as possible gender awareness in all aspects of public and private life. Chapter XV outlines basic goals and activities for including the gender dimension in the ICT Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The civil society input delivered by Natasha Primo from Women'sNet (South Africa) during the Opening Session of the Internet Governance Forum (October, 2006). In her speech, she put forward five challenges facing the IGF: extending a human rights culture within the information society; making internet access universal and affordable; building capacity for developing country participation;…
The video presents different perspectives on pornography in the context of internet and other media. This presentation was prepared for the panel “Content regulations from gender and development perspective” organized by APC WNSP during the first Internet Governance Forum (Athens, October 2006).
Women participants at the first Internet Governance Meeting (IGF) came together and issued a statement to articulate the necessity of integrating gender in this forum for policy discussions around internet governance.

The module aims to address the inherent gender disparities in the field of science and technology, with a specific focus on Africa.

Social and economic development of a country is closely linked to the educational level of its female population. The under-representation and under-achievement of girls in science and technology subjects can be seen as a serious…