The Council of Europe Transversal Programme on Gender Equality aims to increase the impact and visibility of gender equality standards, supporting their implementation in member states through a variety of measures, including gender mainstreaming and action in a number of priority areas. The Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy (2014-2017), a balanced, flexible and focused document, which builds upon the strengths, specificities and the added value of the Council of Europe, will guide the activities of the organisation and the Transversal Programme in the area of gender equality for the next four years.

The overall goal of the strategy is to achieve the advancement and empowering of women and the effective realisation of gender equality in the Council of Europe member states through activities around five strategic objectives:

1. combating gender stereotypes and sexism;
2. preventing and combating Violence against Women;
3. guaranteeing equal access of women to justice;
4. achieving balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making;
5. achieving gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures.

The strategy places strong emphasis on the implementation of existing
standards. Adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe,it is the most symbolic expression of engagement by our member states and demonstrates their commitment to advance the gender equality agenda as part of our efforts to uphold the principles of democracy and human rights.

Year of publication


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