Feminist talk

Making our presence felt: women's involvement in online content creation in Ghana

Posted Thu 25 Apr 2019 - 07:23 | 4,261 views

In this exploration of the questions of access and economy for women in Ghana, the author takes a closer look at the digital gender-gap. When women don't have equal access to the internet then what are the economic implications?

Image description: Woman with collage of newspaper headlines about rape in Ghana

Feminist talk

Sexual Assault in Ghana: How technology can help build visibility

Posted Wed 6 Feb 2019 - 06:17 | 22,780 views

In Ghana sexual assault is vastly under-reported and there is a huge barrier in the police procedures for reporting of crimes. In this article based on multiple interviews, the author explores what role technology can play in addressing this, and can public discourse and visibility around sexual assault lead to change?

Woman looking at phone: photograph

Feminist talk

Online Abuse: A Monster that Silences and Curtails Women's Rights Online

Posted Thu 15 Nov 2018 - 04:06 | 33,326 views

Online abuse and harassment prevents women from realising their full rights online. In this article we look at specific instances of harassment of women online in Ghana, and what needs to be done to ensure full and meaningful internet access for women.

Re-write your narratives

Feminist talk

What can Ghana do about the harassment faced by women online

Posted Tue 6 Nov 2018 - 09:53 | 10,842 views

Women in Ghana, ordinary women and celebrities, have dealt with harassment and violence online, but there is minimal effort by the government currently to effectively address this problem. The suggestion seems to be that self-censorship should solve such problems faced by women.

Feminist talk

How to use social media for activism [VIDEO]

Posted Thu 23 Aug 2018 - 04:19 | 3,142 views
Here are tips and insights on how to use social media for activism and movement-building, on how to use internet and social media to amplify your cause. In this video Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah touches on several instances of how social media can and has been used by African feminists, and especially describing popular campaigns and hashtags on Twitter

Feminist talk

Talking community networks at AfChix TechWomen Summit 2018

Posted Tue 29 May 2018 - 05:30 | 5,988 views
In this report back from AfChix TechWomen Summit 2018, Kazanka Comfort talks about the inclusion of young women in science and tehcnology programs in university, discussions around the possibilities offered by community networks to own and manage infrastructure by the people. In particular Kazanka looks at how women are affected by sectarian conflict and working with ICTs and training in…

In depth

Technology as lingua franca: Interview with Caroline Tagny

Posted Mon 14 Nov 2016 - 18:04 | 10,695 views
A detailed conversation with activist and writer Caroline Tagny on the various campaigns that she has been part of with Take Back the Tech. The interviewer, Bianca Baldo, focuses on the politics of language in these various campaigns and the importance of content in local language to connect to and bring together people and movements. The role of French as both a language of the colonial…

In depth

The fight against female circumcision in West Africa transposed on the internet

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 6,725 views
Sylvie Niombo, APC-Africa-Women Co-Coordinator, examines a role of information and communication technologies in the fight against female circumcision, a harmful practice carried out on over a hundred million girls and women in West African countries. She explores 'shadow areas' through a closer look at thus launched a research programme “Contribution of information and communications…