Feminist talk
Making our presence felt: women's involvement in online content creation in Ghana
In this exploration of the questions of access and economy for women in Ghana, the author takes a closer look at the digital gender-gap. When women don't have equal access to the internet then what are the economic implications?
Feminist talk
Sexual Assault in Ghana: How technology can help build visibility
In Ghana sexual assault is vastly under-reported and there is a huge barrier in the police procedures for reporting of crimes. In this article based on multiple interviews, the author explores what role technology can play in addressing this, and can public discourse and visibility around sexual assault lead to change?
Feminist talk
Online Abuse: A Monster that Silences and Curtails Women's Rights Online
Online abuse and harassment prevents women from realising their full rights online. In this article we look at specific instances of harassment of women online in Ghana, and what needs to be done to ensure full and meaningful internet access for women.
Feminist talk
What can Ghana do about the harassment faced by women online
Women in Ghana, ordinary women and celebrities, have dealt with harassment and violence online, but there is minimal effort by the government currently to effectively address this problem. The suggestion seems to be that self-censorship should solve such problems faced by women.