Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 2): Your right to privacy versus the right to complain

Posted Thu 16 Sep 2021 - 11:36 | 2,176 views

In the second and last part of this in-depth article, the author unpacks the persistence of rape myths in judicial reasoning, even veiled under the promises of neutrality and accuracy of digital evidence.

A woman cries hiding her face. In her back, a wall of screens with messages

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Sexual assault and digital evidence in India (Part 1): Is electronic data determining whether a woman has been raped or not?

Posted Fri 10 Sep 2021 - 15:28 | 3,753 views

This insightful piece highlights how digital evidence is overwhelming the legal and judicial imagination by looking specifically at cases of rape trials in India.

Art representation: woman face, computer and queer flag

Feminist talk

Queer on the Internet: The Politics of Visibility

Posted Thu 27 May 2021 - 16:00 | 3,420 views

In this article, three queer-identifying internet users from Pakistan, talk about queer (in)visibility and the precarity of private online spaces for expression.


Caste-hate speech: Addressing hate-speech based on work and descent

Posted Mon 29 Mar 2021 - 13:06 | 6,182 views

This IDSN report is the outcome of in-depth research focused on the impact of caste-hate speech online and offline and the ways to address this. It draws upon desk research and in-depth participant interviews from Nepal, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Radha making a research interview.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on conducting interviews on sensitive issues

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:56 | 3,956 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece a researcher talks about the experience of doing research with workers, unions and companies and of trying to determine the extent of sexual harassment or caste prejudice in the platform economy around domestic labour

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on difficulty to set up interviews

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:52 | 3,909 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the researcher speaks of the difficulties of setting up interviews with domestic workers, often torn between home and work obligations.

Meeting of domestic workers unionists in Indica.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on research and social work

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:50 | 7,064 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the writer explores how it is possible but also difficult for her to do social work and awareness building, and shift to doing research.

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Digital mediation of reproductive and care work in India: research reflexivity and challenges

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:40 | 5,464 views

Women who do domestic work are able to now find employers through online platforms, but does this new avenue and promise of the digital economy ensure that their labour rights are upheld? In this short series, we read about four researchers who directly interviewed with workers as part of a project in the Feminist Internet Research Network. Here are the reflections of the researchers on ethics…



Posted Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 07:07 | 4,220 views

Here is a compilation of the submissions from different countries including Democratic Republic of Congo, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Bosnia-Herzegovina to the Special Rapporteur for Violence Against Women on online violence against women.

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Cyber violence against women: the case of Bangladesh

Posted Sun 17 Jun 2018 - 06:40 | 30,503 views

Violence against women online is shaped by historical, cultural and social factors and this article explores the specific context of Bangladesh. This includes specific targeting of public women and journalists online and the exploitation of women by those they have intimate relationships with. Far from being an "elite white country problem", this article shows how women in the global South…