
Bosnia and Herzegovina ICT Policy

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 5,047 views
This blog is an initiative by Oneworld - Platform for Southeast Europe, which publishes news and resources related to national ICT policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Berlin Declaration: Women Claiming the Information Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,131 views
The declaration drafted by the participants in the European/North American Regional Conference on Gender and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), assembled in Berlin on 11 September 2005.


Free/Libre and open source software: survey and study FLOSS

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,420 views
This document forms the final report for the FLOSS project.

The Project objectives were remedy the lack of information on Free/Libre/Open Source Software starting at the very beginning: by conducting surveys to generate a unique base of primary data on Free/Open Source Software usage and development; identifying indicators to measure value creation and dissemination in…


A Techno-Feminist Perspective on the Free/Libre Open Source

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 5,627 views
This paper tries to analyse the FLOSS development from a

"techno-feminist" perspective (Wajcman 2004). Staying away from a reductionism that simplifies the gender issue in the FLOSS community to the level of a fight between men and women, the issues I attempt to address include not only the inequality that women face in computing, but also other inequalities that other users face…


EU survey on free and open source software

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,017 views
In 2002, MERIT/Infonomics at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, carried out the FLOSS developer survey supported by the European Union. This was the first survey that provided deep insights in the international FLOSS community, its divisions, its diversity of beliefs, and its functioning.


Rocket science or social science? Involving women in the creation of computing

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,423 views
With the rapid development of new kinds of networks – both the Internet itself and the new groupings enabled by the Internet, the Oxford Internet Institute identified a need to address the impact of these trends on women in the computing professions. The document presents results of one-day forum which brought senior women in the computing industry and those whose role is to research gender and…


The consequences of the sex industry in the European Union (draft report)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 4,772 views
This European Parliament draft report to the vast expansion of the sex industry world wide; it highlights the sex industry's use of all types of information communication systems and emphasises link between the sex industry pornography and trafficking in women, prostitution and other violations women's human rights. The report calls for specific measures, such adoption of national ethical codes…


e-Living: Life in a Digital Europe (IST-2000-25409)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 3,879 views
Final e-Living project report. The material in this report examines the use of ICTs by age, gender, educational and working groups.


Roma Information Project: The Roma Women's Movement Takes on Technology

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 5,074 views
Roma women thoughts regarding the Open Society Institute and the Advocacy Project carried out Roma information Project (RIP). The goal of the project was to introduce a selected number of Roma women organisation in Central and Easter Europe to information technology.


Report on Women in the New Information Society

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:24 | 4,809 views
The report on women in the new Information Society highlights that the public debate on the impact of the new technologies has so far ignored the gender dimension. It calls on measures intended to include women in all sectors of the new ICT, to fully involve women in planning anddecision-making on policies and management and to encounter stereotyped attitudes to ICT in education and vocational…