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Mapping the intersection of technology and gender-based violence

Posted Wed 14 Dec 2011 - 04:00 | 13,385 views
On 25 November 2011, Take Back The Tech! campaign launched an interactive map that allows internet users to share their stories, local news and personal experiences of gender-based violence they faced online or through the use of mobile phone technologies. As of 7 December, the map has recorded 103 stories from across the globe, with the majority of stories coming from Africa, Latin America and…

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Take Back the Tech! But know the risks first

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2011 - 01:02 | 14,585 views
Like any tool, ICTs can be tremendously useful, but dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. This is doubly true for activists and women's rights defenders. Jennifer Radloff and Erika Smith speak to participants from one of our secure online communications for women human rights defenders workshops who share their own experiences with ICTs and what they've learned from the training.

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Connectedness or alienation?

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2011 - 12:25 | 9,858 views
Women's human rights activist Edna Aquino remarks on how ICTs have impacted her work, presenting both new opportunities and new risks. In her interview with new writer, Maya Ganesh, Edna argues that activists using ICTs must be mindful of alienating women with the use of excessive jargon, and must always be keenly aware that there are inherent risks in online communications. However…

Feminist talk

First Southern African IGF starts today

Posted Thu 1 Sep 2011 - 04:26 | 4,487 views
From September 1st to 3rd the first ever Southern African Internet Governance Forum (SA IGF) kicks off in Johannesburg in preparation for the global UN internet forum to be held in Kenya. The event is aimed at ensuring that the views and voices of Southern Africa are represented in Kenya at the end of the month. Participants from all fifteen Southern African nations are expected at the forum.…

Feminist talk

Internet in South Africa is more than meets the eye

Posted Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 11:11 | 8,954 views
Grady gives a glimpse into the final research of the EROTICS research in South Africa that explored lesbians and transgender people use of the Internet, and how content regulation measures can constrain the internet's democratising and empowering potential for LGBTI persons in the country.

Feminist talk

IPv6: are African net operators just talking to themselves?

Posted Wed 8 Jun 2011 - 08:01 | 4,463 views
IPv6 hour in Africa : experts are pushing everybody to go for it but is it really the time for it? a blogger taking part to teh discussion summarise the thoughts of pros and cons.


Power of communication - addressing violence in post-conflict situation (video, 16mins)

Posted Mon 7 Mar 2011 - 09:40 | 7,442 views
Harriet Musoke presents the work of Isis-Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange (Isis-WICCE) and their approach to technology in addressing violence in post-conflict situation. Isis-WICCE is one of more than sixty groups funded by 'Take Back the Tech! small grants' fund, and using information technologies in their work to end violence against women. This presentation was part of the "…


Feminist Tech Exchange - using technology in activism on women's rights (video, 15mins)

Posted Mon 7 Mar 2011 - 09:03 | 8,048 views
Dafne Plou presents on how dozens of Feminist Technology Exchanges - a series of capacity building workshops - are building the skills of women's rights organisations to use information and communication technologies in campaigning, monitoring and documentation to end violence against women. This presentation was part of the "Take Back The Tech! Reclaiming technology for women's rights" session…


EROTICS: Exploratory research on sexuality and the internet - summary report

Posted Wed 16 Feb 2011 - 08:33 | 14,952 views
What is the value of the internet in the exercise of sexual rights? From 2008 to 2010, the EROTICS research sought to answer this question, aiming to bridge the gap between policy and legislative measures that regulate content and practice on the internet, and the actual lived practices, experiences and concerns of internet users in the exercise of their sexual rights. The summary report provides…

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Technologies for transformation : combating violence against women in the Congo

Posted Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 05:41 | 14,247 views
The work of the APC WNSP with organisations in Congo provides invaluable real life experiences that can be useful in discussions at international forums like the upcoming fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) whose theme this year is women, technology and education, according to Selina L Mudavanhu. She examines projects under the MDG3 Take Back the Tech! small grants…