Gender Peripheries of the 2012 Internet Governance Forum

The 7th Internet Governance Forum in Baku drew to a close two weeks ago. Avri Doria in her introduction to this edition discusses several breakthroughs made by this the world’s most important internet governance encounter. For the first time the forum has openly discussed human rights on the internet, and has not been silent on the autocracy and abuse of basic freedoms in the host country. Also for the first time in the IGF history, women’s rights have been brought to the main stage.

Crossing borders : cyberspace and national security

This edition of explores the online safety of women human rights defenders from the perspective of national security and counter-terrorism. National security often encompasses a variety of security threats, including those in cyberspace. While national security measures are meant to protect the security of a nation and its citizen, in many contexts they serve as a pretext for suppressing unfavourable political and social views.