
Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

15 November 2005: Day 3, Strikes and Counter Strikes in Human Rights

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2005 - 04:49 | 4,433 views
Today was a day of cancellation. The GEM (Gender Evaluation Methodology) Book launch was scheduled to happen at 2:00pm, but in a demonstration of solidarity, APC decided to withdraw and cancel all of its side events scheduled for today...

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

14 November 2005: Day 2, Representations at a Glance

Posted Mon 14 Nov 2005 - 16:52 | 4,090 views
At the end of the day, Maxigas and I decided to take a walk and survey the images of women, men, elderly people, young people and disabled people at the ICT 4 All Exhibition hall. Afterall, the claim is that ICT is for all right? So who is this ‘All’ we are talking about.

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

14 November 2005: Day 2, Obstacles to Access... and Whose Security?

Posted Mon 14 Nov 2005 - 16:24 | 4,091 views
Took a cab to the Kram Palexbo, where the Summit and IT 4 All exhibition was happening[...] When we finally got to the site, we were stopped 5 times at security checks at every turn of the road and I had to flash my registration card and a big smile to calm the security that I was indeed, a legitimate subject to attend this conference, accredited (somehow) and all.

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

13 November 2005: Day 1, Groggy at Tunis

Posted Sun 13 Nov 2005 - 14:16 | 3,794 views
The plane ride was as all plane rides become after awhile, uncomfortable and far too long. Once getting off, there were large posters everywhere advertising WSIS, especially about the IT 4 All exhibition, where the tagline – complete with pictures of multi-gendered and ‘raced’ children smiling at a computer screen – promises to forefront the human dimension of information communications…

Feminist talk

29 September 2005 - Gender Caucus urges for multistakeholder participation

Posted Thu 29 Sep 2005 - 05:18 | 3,829 views
The internet has grown and matured and it therefore prudent to believe that it is time for a greater internationalization of the management of the internet. The internet governance oversight functions have been clearly spelt out as the Gender Caucus paticipates in WSIS PrepCom III.

Feminist talk

27 September 2005 - Reintroduce cultural diversity

Posted Thu 29 Sep 2005 - 04:11 | 4,158 views
Culture involves both men and women and in this regard the reintroduction of culture diversity in the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) is an issue as it continues to be side lined in the process.

Feminist talk

27 September 2005 - WSIS misses grassroots issues

Posted Wed 28 Sep 2005 - 23:37 | 4,060 views
Grassroots issues are spelt out. The grassroots caucus lobbies the gender caucus to recognise their issues as they also have gender issues which are cross-cutting in their action plan.

Feminist talk

25 September 2005 - Tunisia's credibility to host WSIS II questionable

Posted Mon 26 Sep 2005 - 20:19 | 4,013 views
Tunisia's credibility to host the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) has been questioned following the release of the report of the Tunisia Monitoring Group (TMG) as we move closer to pharse II scheduled to take place in Tunis, 16-18 November 2005.

Feminist talk

26 Semptember 2005 - Freedom of expression in Tunisia debate erupts in WSIS

Posted Mon 26 Sep 2005 - 20:08 | 4,127 views
Imagine for a moment attending a session and suddenly policeman shows up to tighten security for just this meeting. The launch of second report produced by the Tunisia Monitoring Group attracted many delegates in the WSIS PrepCom III .

Feminist talk

23 September 2005 - Gender and internet governance in the African context

Posted Mon 26 Sep 2005 - 10:24 | 4,196 views
"Is there such a thing as gender aspects of internet governance (IG) or does it boil down to the technical and political aspects?," asked Christine Butengwa from the African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET).