Dynamic coalition--this is the new buzzword in the IGF as various stakeholders agreed to launch dynamic coalitions on such issues as gender, privacy, frameworks of principles for internet governance, internet bill of rights, access to knowledge, and open standards which are aimed at addressing a broad range of emerging issues in relation to the internet.

Most of the proponents of the dynamic coalitions committed to initiate an open process to encourage greater public participation particularly from developing countries in these processes.

Some participants expressed the need to identify the ways by which the dynamic coalitions will function. In addition, it was suggested that a set of criteria be developed by which the dynamic coalitions can attain an affiliation with the IGF to ensure that the outputs of each dynamic coalition correspond to the values and processes of the IGF.

Are the governments on board?

A number of participants have expressed that the IGF is a very new format for governments since there were no official negotiations and the Forum did not produce a policy document.

In the lead up to the 2nd IGF in Rio de Janeiro in November 2007 and as the dynamic coalitions pursue their various endeavours, the challenge that was presented to civil society and the business sector is to ensure that governments are engaged in the dialogue.

Proponents and participants in the dynamic coalitions were encouraged to upload information regarding their initiatives in the igf2006.info web site.

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