Gorata Chengeta
Gorata Chengeta is a researcher and writer from Botswana. She is a student and teacher at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. She enjoys writing thinking and teaching about sexuality, politics, feminism, and justice.
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Creating and caring for feminist digital archives in Africa
This article explores the labour and determination that go into preserving African women’s history, reclaiming online spaces and, more importantly, ensuring that these stories remain accessible and continue to grow for the future generations to come.
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Enfrentar las rupturas: cómo podemos construir movimientos feministas más fuertes en África
Para que nuestros movimientos prosperen no sólo necesitamos encontrarnos unas a otras sino también que estas conexiones se sostengan intencionalmente. Partiendo de nuestras reflexiones sobre este tema, ahondamos nuestras conversaciones acerca de los factores que provocan rupturas y pensamos cómo podríamos trabajar para que una ruptura no se convierta en la destrucción de todo un movimiento.…
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Dealing with ruptures: How we can build stronger feminist movements in Africa
In order for our movements to be successful, not only do we have to find each other, but these connections have to be sustained with intention. Within our movements, we are faced with internal challenges because every movement is founded on relationships, and relationships are vulnerable to all kinds of challenges.