Posted 19 December 2006

This edition features articles and analyses from new writers in different regions. Focussing on national policies, the articles assess the current political landscape and will to integrate gender into national ICT development efforts. New resources are collated around this theme, focussing on contexts and priorities in diverse locations.

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GENDER CENTRED: A thematic bulletin

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Gender and ICT Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Re-thinking ICT development through Gender

by Lamija Kosovic

This article examines the current ICTs situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, paying particular attention to the development of a National ICT Policy Strategy, and the responses towards the need to integrate gender concerns by both the women's national machinery and civil society organisations.

Doing IT on Paper

by Reba Shahid

Reba Shahid examines the discrepancy between Pakistan's national IT policy and the reality of access and use on the ground. She compellingly argues a case for the revision of this policy by taking into existing account socio-cultural inequalities.

National Gender and ICT Policies in Uruguay: A Call To Action

by Cecilia Gordano

In Uruguay, the National Women’s Institute led a consultation process with a range of social actors to develop the First National Plan for Equality of Opportunities and Rights. One of its chapters specifically includes gender as a strategic priority. According to GenderIT collaborator Cecilia Gordano, this represents “a big step forward on the slow journey towards consolidating a national strategy for digital inclusion. Nevertheless, the timidity with which this need is addressed leads one to believe that pieces of this puzzle are still missing”.

In search of Gender inclusive ICTs in Pakistan: But Where?

by Fouad Riaz Bajwa

Vocal FOSS (Free and Open Source) advocate, Fouad Riaz Bajwa, shifts his advocacy towards gender mainstreaming efforts by the Pakistan government in ICT policy implementation. In particular, he explores the potential of the private sector as a significant initiator of this process, citing Responsible Business Initiative as an noteworthy example.

Visit the collection of a wide variety of other resources and articles related to this issue on the governance section:

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Mainstreaming Gender Issues in ICT Policy Development - Draft

This is a draft copy of a research conducted by FMA to look into gender mainstreaming efforts in ICT policy development in the Philippines. In particular, Section 4 of the research is culled to demonstrate and examine ICT policy in the current Philippines context, with attention to the inclusion of gender within its processes.

Gender in the information Society: Emerging issues

This publication is a collection of 13 papers developed for a pre-World Summit on the Information Society seminar, produced by UNDP-APDIP in partnership with UNIFEM and IT for Change. It showcases perspectives that critique the engagement with new technologies in various development sectors such as the governance, media and work.

In the spotlight: gender experiences and ICTs in Latin America and the Caribbean

This study presents the current status of Gender and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) based on the survey of related projects, research and actions from the standpoint of various social stakeholders: state, private sector, academia and the civil society. This work focuses on the application of the gender perspective – whether explicit or not.

Gender and ICTs for development: A global source book

Five case studies illustrate the different contexts facing gender and ICTs for development, including e-commerce in Bhutan, entrepreneurship by women workers in China, post-war communication using radio and ICTs in Sierra Leone, sustainable fisheries production in Ghana, and information exchange related to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean.

Getting Gender into African ICT Policy: A Strategic View

The report is concerned with strategies to secure the potential economic benefits of ICTs for all groups in society, without an inclusion of gender perspective the potential benefits of ICTs may by pass girls and women.

Gender-Aware Guidelines for Policy-making and Regulatory Agencies

Gender-aware guidelines for policy-making and regulatory agencies are intended to assist decision makers to conduct their work in such a way that both women and men are considered in the process – both as part of the processes themselves as well as in considering the impact of decisions made. Document contains a set of guidelines, with a brief discussion of each point.

ICT policy: a beginner’s handbook

The book outlines issues and processes involved in ICT policymaking and advocacy. It looks at specific issues in policy and regulation including gender and ICTs.

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