photo of a hand handling two labels saying "legal" and "illegal"

Feminist talk

Cyber law in Zambia: should it be repelled? Thoughts from a female human rights defender

Posted Fri 10 Dec 2021 - 08:09 | 1,918 views

This article provides insights into the recently passed Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act, 2021 in Zambia, from the perspective of Laura Miti, an award-winning human rights defender. Mitri alerts on how this act gives sweeping powers to the government to hush criticism of any kind and curtail freedom of expression and privacy.

Feminist talk

Internet access for women and girls in Zambia

Posted Thu 3 Sep 2020 - 07:50 | 4,500 views

Education going online has posed a series of challenges especially for those living in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world where widespread access to the internet is not a given. This article explores how the Zambian government must show a stronger commitment and take measures to address how girls can access online education.