
16x16: Uganda

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2010 - 11:33 | 5,768 views


Uganda: Violence against Women and Information Communication Technologies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 12,562 views
Aramanzan Madanda, Berna Ngolobe and Goretti Zavuga Amuriat look at how ICTs have been used to help provide spaces for women and sexual minorities. Sexual minorities have a presence on the internet to articulate concerns of members and raise awareness. Women’s mobile phone use is controlled by their husbands, who either give or withold permission to use and dictate when and how. Some women have…


Report on Engendering the ICT Policy Process in Uganda

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:37 | 4,614 views
The findings of this research indicates there were attempts to identify and eliminate gender disparities in access and use of ICT within the Uganda national ICT policy development process. However clear-cut gender incorporation strategy was missing, and the ICT policy process was largely dominated by men. This The report includes a set of recommendations how to further enhance gender equality…


Assessment of the Rural Communications Development Fund from a Gender Perspective

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:37 | 3,800 views
In 2006, the Uganda Women Caucus on ICT (UWCI) together with WOUGNET as its secretariat conducted an assessment of the Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF) from a gender perspective. The focus was to look at the project selection criteria, to examine the benefits of the supported projects to both men and women, to assess the contribution of the supported projects in reducing gender gaps,…


Radio Programmes: Women Talk Peace: Radio Productions on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 with excerpts from the 2005 Peacebuilding Cyberdialogues (Uganda)

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,473 views
This is the second section in a 3-part series of prototype radio programs about UNSCR 1325. It contains three radio productions on women, peace and security issues in Uganda. The productions decribe the impact of violent conflicts on Ugandan women, as well as the effects of such conflicts in other parts of Africa.