Feminist talk
ESC rights, gender and internet: Learnings from the GISWatch report
The GISWatch report 2016 looks at the link between economic, social, cultural (ESC) rights and the internet in several countries, and from a multitude of systems of governance, whether that of socialism and the welfare state, or the semi-functional welfare schemes in parts of Asia and Africa (Uganda, Cambodia), and even the relatively privileged parts of the world, like Spain. Here is a synthesis…
Feminist talk
Access to LGBTI related websites was blocked one by one?
The Turkish Telecommunications Directorate (TIB) blocked access to 5 LGBTI websites. While Işık Mater from Alternative Informatics Association (Alternatif Bilişim Derneği) defined LGBTI related websites block as the censorship, according to Kaos GL Association’s Lawyer Hayriye Kara it meant the violation of constitutional rights.