
Voices from digital spaces: Technology related violence against women

Posted Tue 27 Mar 2012 - 09:52 | 24,117 views

Drawing on findings from APC's MDG3: Take Back the Tech! project with women's rights organisations in twelve countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, this paper explores the links between the internet, cell phones and violence against women and illustrates that technology related violence impacts women as seriously as other forms of violence.


16x16: Malaysia

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2010 - 11:23 | 8,978 views
In 16 slides x 16 seconds, Take Back The Tech! presentation narrates the story of how violence against women and ICTs links together in Malaysia. The presentation builds on the paper Malaysia: Violence against Women and Information Communication that , provides a snapshot and baseline on the law and policy in these two areas. The paper is part of the APC WNSP project 'MDG3: Take Back the Tech…


Malaysia: Violence against Women and Information Communication Technologies

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 11,582 views
Jac SM Kee and Sonia Randhawa highlight forms of VAW that have received recognition in Malaysia and provide the context of ICT development and national policy objectives in this paper. It is not an exhaustive assessment of the current state of VAW, but rather aims to surface some of the interconnections between ICT issues and VAW and areas of potential opportunities for advocacy, as well as…


Malaysian gov't must review laws to free media and information

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,785 views
The paper outlines various discriminatory practices that have been faced from the laws on media and communications in Malaysia, as compelling reasons why the legislations must be reformed.