Feminist talk

We Rise, We Heal, We Resist

Posted Tue 22 Mar 2022 - 11:20 | 2,044 views

Indonesia has celebrated gender diversity even before the country's independence. This is indicated by the existence of five genders in the Bugis (South Sulawesi) tradition, namely: Makunrai (female), Oroane (Male), Calabai (Male with women soul), Calalai (Female with man soul) and Bissu. During the Old Order in Indonesia, some of these groups were targeted, and in the contemporary, there are…

Image description: Mixed media showing a field

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Grassroot Solidarity to Fight the Pandemic: From Farmers to Queer Communities

Posted Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 06:29 | 5,867 views

How are the LBTQI+ people and communities facing the difficulties posed by the global pandemic and the lockdown? This article explores the emergence of solidarities amongst different marginalised groups including farmers and queer communities, to ensure food, work and basic survival.


Gender and Privacy: From Oppression to Liberation: Reclaiming the Right to Privacy

Posted Mon 7 Jan 2019 - 02:14 | 8,251 views

A report that examines the overlapping concerns of gender, privacy, surveillance, and gender-based violence in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, North America. The report raises issues including gender-based violence in the private sphere, rigid gender categories in identity programs its impact on trans people, etc.


Mapping research on gender and digital technology

Posted Tue 3 Jul 2018 - 08:04 | 3,242 views

The emerging sub-field of research around gender and digital technology is united in its understanding that gender biases and stereotypes are embedded in technology, and that this reproduces the existing problems around gender parity, gender-based violence, discrimination and exclusion on the internet. This report is a mapping of the research around gender and digital technology in the decade…

Feminist talk

Women's Community Radio: How Islanders And Mountain Residents Are Coping With The Impact Of Covid-19 in Rural Indonesia

Posted Mon 12 Dec 2022 - 05:08 | 2,086 views

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the digital divide that exists in rural Indonesia as the world moved to technology for everyday needs and tasks. The residents of the villages set up community radios to address this gap, which then helped in addressing many economic, educational, communication and entertainment needs of the residents.

Feminist talk

Working out access on our own: Community projects, gender and internet

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 - 19:00 | 5,108 views
As our cities turn smart and countries turn digital the gender gap in terms of internet access is disturbing. The lack of access directly relates to the loss of rights of women and minorities. Sadly there is a long way to go before we close this gap. Chinmayi S K explores projects that attempted in innovative ways to address the digital gender gap online.


Use of mobile phones by the rural poor; Gender perspectives from selected Asian countries

Posted Mon 4 Jul 2016 - 14:18 | 7,004 views
Acknowledging the differences in perceptions between genders, and between urban and rural dwellers, what must be realized is that these differences are often not unique to aspects related
to the mobile phone. The concerns, needs, and benefits ascribed to the mobile phone are more a reflection of people’s existing societal, familial, and gender norms prevalent in their environments, rather…

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“Putting locks on our chastity belts...”: A discussion on sex education for teenagers

Posted Thu 12 Nov 2015 - 05:46 | 12,496 views
A number of reports in this year's GISWatch focused on the everyday reality when it comes to sexuality that many teenagers face when using the internet. Mariana Giorgetti Valente from InternetLab - Law and Technology Research Center in Brazil, Lin McDevitt­Pugh from Netsheila in The Netherlands and Nieke Jahja from the Center for Civic Engagement and Studies in Indonesia approached this topic…


Information and Communication Technologies for Rural Development: Issues and Options

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,939 views
The report is based on field visits, interviews with local and central government and non-government organizations and desk reviews carried out between December 2004-April 2005. It aims to identify policies, technologies, institutions and investments needed to improve access to information and communication technologies (ICT) in rural areas in Indonesia. A critical part of this study is a gender…