
Sonia Corrêa on “Gender Ideology” for 2019 CREA Conference

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 - 02:26 | 5,960 views

An incisive and global analysis of anti-gender politics or gender ideology which Sonia Correa describes as a hydra that has different faces and coalesces into various coalitions in various contexts in Latin America, Europe and north America.


Teaching and the use of ICT in Hungary

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 3,949 views
It provides an overview of the context for ICT development in

Hungary, examines the initial and especially the in-service teacher training provided to facilitate teachers' use of ICT in their pedagogical practice, notes the obstacles and some

recent incentives for career and professional development in this field, and analyses governmental and non-governmental initiatives in…


Roma Information Project: The Roma Women's Movement Takes on Technology

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:25 | 5,074 views
Roma women thoughts regarding the Open Society Institute and the Advocacy Project carried out Roma information Project (RIP). The goal of the project was to introduce a selected number of Roma women organisation in Central and Easter Europe to information technology.