Nadège ha formado parte de proyectos de tecnología transfeminista como Laboratorio de Interconectividades y la cooperativa de infraestructura Kéfir. Actualmente, N. toca música, dibuja, cocina y a veces trabaja en traducción freelance.
Nadège has been involved in transfeminist tech projects like Laboratorio de Interconectividades collective and Kéfir infrastructure co-op. Currently, N. plays music, draws, cooks and sometimes work as a freelance translator.
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Feminist talk
Webcómic: La huella de Internet | Parte 3
En la tercera entrega del webcómic "La huella de Internet", Nadège nos cuenta cómo el green washing encubre las complejas intersecciones entre tecnologías, territorio y capitalismo. Pero la resistencia y la autodeterminación de las comunidades persiste...
Feminist talk
Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint | Part 3
In the third part of the webcomic "The footprint of the Internet", Nadège tells us how green washing hides the complex intersections between technologies, territory and capitalism. But the resistance and self-determination of communities persists...
Feminist talk
Webcomic: The Internet’s Footprint | Part 2
Inhabiting internet causes a huge footprint on land, nature and bodies. An impact that can be violent and abusive. But we can learn how to create a more attentive and sensitive relationship with digital technologies.
Feminist talk
Webcómic: La huella de Internet | Parte 2
Habitar internet genera una gran huella en el territorio, en la Naturaleza y en los cuerpos, pero podemos desarrollar una relación más atenta y sensible con las tecnologías digitales. En la segunda parte de este webcómic, descubriremos algunas prácticas de cuidado que podemos empezar a integrar en nuestras vidas.
Feminist talk
Webcomic: The Internet's Footprint
We often hear that the internet is a cloud. But the internet has a big footprint. With this first release we start a reflective webcomic series around internet's infrastructure from a feminist technopolitical perspective.
Feminist talk
Webcómic: La huella de Internet
Las calles están desiertas. La parálisis global ha reducido el impacto humano. ¡La Naturaleza florece! Pero eso es solo una parte de la historia... En tiempos de pandemia, estamos en internet más que nunca. Primer capítulo del wébcomic creado por Nadège.
Feminist talk
#FTXStory - The FTX: Safety Reboot curriculum journey
FTX has been a journey of wonder and exploration, opening and healing. An intricate weaving of lives and projects. Also hardship, saturation and tension. This year has taught us how vital it is to hold this together. Now we want to celebrate, gather around this fire and share some stories.
Feminist talk
Keywords of the internet: The fraying edges of algorithmic production
In this column series we unpack keywords relevant to the internet and the digital age. Here we look at algorithms, their origin in the work of Ada Lovelace. At how they are a sequence of steps, how they enfold consequences. And lastly we ask - can we talk about feminist algorithms?