Radhika Radhakrishnan
I recently quit a job in IT to pursue gender studies and research. Sex positive, liberal, pro-choice, pro-gay, secular, outspoken feminist who fights like a girl. Non-believer of god and other imaginary friends, believer of this crazy notion that everyone should have equal rights. In my spare time, I read, write, perform slam poetry, drink tea, and leave feminist comments on Facebook posts. Oh and I also make a mean Panna Cotta. Read more at http://www.radhika-radhakrishnan.com/
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Educating, Hiring, and Retaining Women in Technology: A Gendered Enquiry
Research suggests that women are underrepresented at every level in technology(McKinsey survey, 2016). Why is this the case? And how do we educate, hire, and retain more women in it? In this article, Radhika Radhakrishnan highlights the underlying realities that women face in technology beyond just a numbers game, and offer insight to such questions by interviewing diverse, pioneering women…