Selina L. Mudavanhu
Selina L. Mudavanhu
Selina Linda Mudavanhu works for the African Gender Institute at the University of Cape Town. She is also doing a PhD in Media Studies at the same university and her research interests include media representations of gender and race, ICTs and gender, media and development and audience studies.
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Reflexiones sobre la violencia hacia las mujeres mediada por la tecnología en Bosnia y Herzegovina
Esta entrevista realizada por Selina Mudavanhu del African Gender Institute, Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo (Sudáfrica) a Leila Seper, miembro de OneWorldsee en Bosnia Herzegovina y responsable de la campaña ‘¡Dominemos la tecnología!’ en ese país, reflexiona sobre la tarea desarrollada por la organización que integra en tanto asociada al proyecto "Basta de violencia: derechos de las mujeres y…
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Reflecting on tech-mediated violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This interview conducted by Selina Mudavanhu from the African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town (South Africa) with Leila Seper, member of OneWorldsee in Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) and responsible for the ‘Take Back the Tech!’ campaign and networking, reflects on the work developed by OneWorldsee, a civil society organization that works on online spaces and is one of the partners of the…
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UPR of South Africa: Connecting the right to communication to women´s rights
South Africa's constitution guarantees freedom of expression, and has been interpreted to include the right to community media and to creative journalistic content. However, these progressive interpretations come in the light of broadcasting, rather than the internet. Online media and its regulation in South Africa fall short of the human rights standards that South Africa has recognised under…
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Tecnologías para la transformación: combatir la violencia hacia las mujeres en Congo
El trabajo del PARM de APC con las organizaciones de Congo brinda experiencias de vida reales que son invalorables para los debates que se suscitan en foros internacionales como la próxima sesión de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer (CSW, por su sigla en inglés) cuyo tema este año es “mujeres, tecnología y educación”. Selina Mudavanhu examina los proyectos financiados por…
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Technologies for transformation : combating violence against women in the Congo
The work of the APC WNSP with organisations in Congo provides invaluable real life experiences that can be useful in discussions at international forums like the upcoming fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) whose theme this year is women, technology and education, according to Selina L Mudavanhu. She examines projects under the MDG3 Take Back the Tech! small grants…