Sonia Randhawa
Sonia Randhawa
"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer. She is a director of the Centre for Independent Journalism in Malaysia, a board member of feminist communications organisation ISIS-International Manila and a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne."
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Acceso al conocimiento en situaciones de emergencia: una mirada a la situación de Jordania y República Democrática del Congo
Así como lo muestran otros artículos de esta edición temática de, el acceso al conocimiento salva vidas literalmente. Esto es particularmente cierto en situaciones de emergencia. Este artículo examina las muy diversas situaciones que enfrentan las mujeres en el Reino Hachemita de Jordania, donde el gobierno ha asumido expresamente el compromiso de situar al reino a la vanguardia del…
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How to look at censorship with a gender lens
Heike Jensen and Sonia Randhawa, APC WRP members participating in a gender team of the OpenNet Initiative in Asia (ONI-Asia), talk about how censorship and gender interrelate. Since 2006, APC WRP has taken a closer look at internet censorship and surveillance practices from a gender perspective in order to develop a gender research framework for examining freedom of expression, security and…
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Violence against women and ICTs in the Pacific Islands region: An overview
Sonia Randhawa interviews FemLINK Pacific coordinator Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls to get an overview of violence against women in the Pacific Islands region and to look at how ICTs are contributing to increasing the vulnerability of women and providing new forms of harassment and harm, while at the same time grassroots initiatives such as a mobile community radio station are helping to provide women…
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Access to Knowledge in Emergency situations: Looking at the situation in Jordan and in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Sonia Randhawa interviewed with Lulu Mitshabu and Daoud Kuttab. Lulu Mitshabu is the Africa Programs Coordinator at Caritas Australia. A Congolese woman, she travels through Africa regularly and is responsible for their Congolese programme. Daoud Kuttab is president of AMARC Middle East and North Africa, and responsible for setting up Jordan's first community radio. He has recently been working…
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Challenges of communal copyright: Traditional and indigenous knowledge
Copyright and patents legislation has spread rapidly over the past century. This has a particular impact on indigenous women and the holders of traditional knowledge, as copyright ignores the possibility that knowledge can be held communally and has definitions of knowledge that exclude information held in a spiritual context. In this article, GenderIT writer Sonia Randhawa examines how women's…
Conversaciones feministas
Algunas reflexiones sobre… Violencia contra las mujeres y TIC
Una de las dificultades que enfrentan los y las activistas por los derechos de las mujeres en dicho espacio es la renuencia de algunos/as participantes a considerar que internet sea una cuestión política, incapaces de ver que este rechazo es en sí mismo una acción política. La falta de recursos, información y análisis adecuados sobre las políticas de comunicación y tecnologías que impidan,…
Conversaciones feministas
SMALL THOUGHTS AROUND....Violence against women and ICTs
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Conversaciones feministas
Access to knowledge and gender
This edition of GenderIT looks at the question of access to knowledge focussing on Africa. Over the last century, copyright and patents legislation have penetrated into most countries, strengthened by international trade agreements, and often pressure from the United States. This has had the impact of both shrinking the amount of knowledge that is freely available, and of legislating what is and…