Scoring participation – how does change happen for women in the IGF
During the years of my school and university studies, report cards caused me high levels of anxiety but with some underlying optimism. Report cards assumed all-knowing experts were making decisions around my abilities and progress. It would invariably be a measure of success or failure and would expose my weak points and (hopefully) highlight my positive traits. But they always had a judgemental…
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“Defending yourself means defending your community”
In the second part of the interview with c5 and anonymous, the trainers from the secure online communications workshop provide strategies for mitigating some of the dangers for women's human rights defenders. While examining the practices of policy-makers, internet intermediaries and every day users, they conclude that security means more than just awareness -- it requires behavioural change.
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The changing face of women's rights activism: be careful what you say online
Jennifer Radloff, GenderIT.org contributor, and Running Toddler, a participant of a recently hosted workshop in secure online communications for women human rights defenders, interviewed the workshop's trainers, c5 and anonymous. In this first part of the interview, the trainers talk about their experience in training activists and human rights defenders to use technology securely, and the…
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La cara cambiante del activismo por los derechos de las mujeres: ten cuidado con lo que dices en línea - Parte 1
Jennifer Radloff, colaboradora de GenderIT.org y Running Toddler, participante del taller realizado recientemente para capacitar sobre comunicaciones seguras en línea a defensoras de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, entrevistaron a las capacitadoras C5 y Anónima. En esta primera parte de la entrevista, las capacitadoras hablan sobre su experiencia en la capacitación de activistas y defensores…
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“Defenderte a ti misma es defender tu comunidad” - Parte 2
En la segunda parte de la entrevista con C5 y Anónima, instructoras del taller de comunicaciones seguras en línea, comparten más detalles sobre algunas de las estrategias para aumentar la seguridad en línea de las defensoras de los derechos humanos de las mujeres. Hablan de la política y de la práctica y del papel de los/as políticos/as, de los intermediarios y de los/as usuarios/as de internet,…
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What’s Gender got to do with IT?
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are being used by women’s organisations to communicate their own agendas and perspectives in order to effect women’s empowerment and social change. But women also need to be involved in the policy processes that define access to and use of these ICTs. This was the message of participants in a panel hosted by the Association for Progressive…