Upasana Bhattacharjee
Upasana is an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection of cyberculture and digital labour. She is currently a Junior Fellow at FemLab where she works on the platformisation of crafts and artisanal work in South Asia. She was a fellow at the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability, Technische Universitat Berlin, where she worked on community-driven connectivity infrastructure. She holds a Masters in Development Studies from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. Her Master’s thesis was a multi-sited ethnographic research project on labour and community formation in open technology communities in India. Trained in qualitative methods, her research interests lie in digital labour, urban computing and cyberculture.
Conversaciones feministas
Community networks: states, solutions and communities
Upasana Bhattacharjee further builds on this notion of community network not only as a local connectivity infrastructure serving the unserved people and rural areas left out by markets or states, but mainly as a social actor that builds knowledge, autonomy and agency at the local level, through a community-owned infrastructure and organized operation.
In depth
Privacy, Personhood and Identity in Surveillance Societies
Privacy was initially understood simply as the right to be left alone. The increasing use of internet, social media, surveillance and algorithmic processing has however shifted the meanings of privacy, and here we explore the conceptual understandings of privacy and its links to autonomy, human dignity and self-determination.